A young girl named Ange is summoned to a Sacred Land and is chosen as the Legendary Etoile, whose mission is to save the newly-born Cosmos of the Holy Beast, which has recently fallen under a crisis. With the support of nine Guardians (who have the power of nine elements), she embarks on a journey to save the dying land of the Holy Beast and to discover her true self.
Other name: Loving Angel Angelique: When Hearts Awaken, Angelique: When The Heart Awakens, Angelique (2006), 恋する天使アンジェリーク ~心のめざめる時~
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shoujo
A young girl named Ange is summoned to a Sacred Land and is chosen as the Legendary Etoile, whose mission is to save the newly-born Cosmos of the Holy Beast, which has recently fallen under a crisis. With the support of nine Guardians (who have the power of nine elements), she embarks on a journey to save the dying land of the Holy Beast and to discover her true self.
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