A short four-minute concept film that served as a surprise unveil at Studio SHAFT's 40th anniversary event in Winter 2015, Madogatari. The concept movie is the core of a new Madoka Magica project, and serves as its trailer. The second short was later screened in Osaka, with the difference being a replacement of several imageboard segments.
Other name: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Concept Movie, 魔法少女まどか★マギカ コンセプトムービー
Genres: Drama, Magic, Movie, Psychological, Thriller
Date aired: Nov 27, 2015
A short four-minute concept film that served as a surprise unveil at Studio SHAFT's 40th anniversary event in Winter 2015, Madogatari. The concept movie is the core of a new Madoka Magica project, and serves as its trailer. The second short was later screened in Osaka, with the difference being a replacement of several imageboard segments.
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